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Pzt-Cum 8:30 18:30

Ambulance Bus

Category Mobile Medical
Ambulance Bus

This bus is designed to be both the world's largest ambulance and the largest emergency intensive care clinic. It has the largest emergency response capacity in the world in all kinds of disaster, accident and war environments. This clinic bus, which we exported to Saudi Arabia, also carries the characteristics of an intensive care bus. The production of clinical buses and laboratory buses is one of the main areas of expertise of our company. There are 8 patient beds in the bus. All of these beds have emergency care monitors with 5 vital functions. With these monitors, the heartbeat, pulse, blood pressure, body oxygen and body temperature of 8 patients can be monitored simultaneously. In addition, all patients can be monitored collectively with 2 main monitors. The condition of patients and doctors can be monitored remotely by mobile phone. For this purpose, 8 cameras are installed inside the bus. It is possible to broadcast live to the central hospital or unit. 6 Beds (stretcher) on the bus , also removed and outside


There is the same oxygen system in the bus as in a fully equipped hospital. an oxygen plant consisting of 10 10-pound tubes has been built. Separate oxygen pipes are installed in all beds. Oxygen can be given to all patients at the same time, as well as oxygen vacuum can be applied. In addition, oxygen can be transported at the scene with 4 mobile oxygen cylinders. In general, the characteristics of the mobile ambulance and clinic bus are summarized below. The details may vary according to the demand. The number of patients and the units located inside can be added or removed according to customer demand. All preferences are optional. Ambulance Bus Turkey Medical Ambulance Bus EMERGENCY RESPONSE BUS This bus is designed and manufactured in Turkey

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ambulance bus